Work from Anywhere with the Grandstream Wave
Yes, Wilogic has an App for that. With this unprecedented shift from "Brick and Mortar" working environments to the "Home Office or "Kitchen Table", communications portability has become paramount. WiLogic's VOIP Phones can be connected anywhere there is an internet...
VoIP Explained
From the old to the new. Traditional Legacy Phone Systems were behemoths requiring their main "Controllers" to be mounted on the wall of your phone room and physically wired to each phone station in your office. This inherently limited businesses to local feature sets...
How It Started & How It’s Going
WiLogic first started as a Fixed Point Wireless Internet Service Provider in 2002, covering areas that were underserved for High Speed Broadband in Orange County.It was 2005 when our client's needs and requests ushered us into the Voice World. Having background in...
Slow Internet and It’s Solutions
As we've moved further and further to a "Virtual" society with much of our lives requiring an App, Plug In or simply the availability of an On-Line resource, there are times when the "Hurry up and wait" spinning circle in the middle of your screen rears...
Customer Service and Appreciation
With times being what they are and the definition of a "Close" relationship being 6 ft, Communication is key and Customer Appreciation and Service essential. There was a time when the person on the other end of the phone actually resided on the same continent as the...
WiLogic Studios and Advertising Your Business
WiLogic Studios marries the art of script creation, video production, editing and post production with the ever so important budgetary needs of today’s Business. Our team can create a laser targeted production plan based on your industry, unique selling proposition...
Business Wi-Fi vs. Home Wi-Fi Setup
Smartphones and other portable devices have made people accustomed to being able to access Wi-Fi wherever they might be. Wireless access is quite easy and many people do not realize that there is a difference between their home Wi-Fi and business Wi-Fi. Home Wi-Fi...
How to Choose a Security Camera System
With break-ins and commercial crime on the rise in parts of Orange County, CA, business owners and home owners are looking to systems that provide better security. If your business has copper that thieves can remove from the walls or the warehouse, your insurance...
You can count on WiLogic
There is no doubt about it, we are in the midst of some difficult times right now. With the growing demand to socially distance ourselves, people are finding more and more ways to connect via online sources. In order to do this, though, you need internet...

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